he's such a gremlin now lol

0 6

somehow I get the feeling that he's more excited than worried about this

0 3

honestly you guys could just sit down and let him lay in your lap... let him rest

0 2


0 5

What the fuck is deck synergy we just gona put that in there

0 6

Everyone like "excuse me did he just absorb a Duel Monster's soul" "yeah I think so" "wtf" "I'm sure it's fine no problem here"

2 7

OH OKAY JUDAI IS JUST AN OPEN HOUSE NOW any dying spirits you want come on in we got room to spare in the combination Yubel/Judai

3 10

:((((( double sad because of Fubuki's fond look...

0 8

this actually made me kind of cry...#GXwatch

0 7

well that's one way to put it LOL

1 3

NO THIS IS SO CUTE..... Neos hug

2 11

I love how Honest is introduced in an antagonistic light but immediately takes a bullet for Judai just because they had a nice conversation... quickest one to fall to his powers yet

1 7

This is so like................... Kingdom Hearts-y, not just because of the Darkness mentions left and right but just this specific kind of plot thread lol

1 6

oooOOOOooo yeah Judai knows all about that

0 7