a4 ehehehehehehehe (either the human or the blob dude is okay :>>)

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Tibiej aku lebih suka alurnya tu yah,, F diculik kan, trs L lebih milih nyelametin H. F diselamatin sm org lain. Trs F sadar L brengsek. F move on. L nyesel trs balik ngejar. HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEH SINETRON BGT

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Hehehehhehehehehehe tbh I knew it was from somewhere but I couldent remember hahahahahahaha it just looked like all the trucks that drive like maniacs in my town 😂

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"Eheh... Eheheheheheheheheh! Ooo~, girl! Keep wigglin' dat booty and I'm finna pounce!"


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favorite drawing i have commissioned so far, drawn by Aleksandra Chwarszczynska on FB

nyehehhehehehehehhee >:)

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Art: @/Zenyatodo @/momokoshoyo

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heh cute, imma see what other drawings I have for this hehehehehehe

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Fem SaviArnav hehehehehehe, my little tootsits

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Look at it

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