3.- Lentes que van en contra de la fisica, me encantan xD

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C'est gentil évè !
Je suis Misical et j''aime les trucs mignons, les couples et les drama //pan

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Why not ! Merci pour ce tweet !
Je suis Misical, je dessine des trucs mignons, des couples et j'aime bien les histoires fictives dramatiques //pan

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Saturday’s in the shop are a little more lackadaisical. It’s a time to bond with fellow workers over a cup of coffee laced with bourbon 🤪

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Mi cabello viola la leyes de la fisica

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drawing my sona in something id probably never wear
somebody has to phisicaly stop me from drawing my sona so much

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(*'▽')< Foresta metafisica // 水神 縁

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Redraw(? de un mini-comic que hice hace como un año xd

por qué esto ahora? bueno,por que segun instagram Fisica cumplió un año de creación el 1 de febrero(? eso implicaría que cumplió años y ya se fue con su abuelo xd


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normally, max is a weak fox, when he transform into Proton, he gained super strenght power, but he don't know how to use that power since he is a non phisical guy and doesn't know how to fight. So Eddy train Max to be able to use his power and to become stronger fox

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突発で「Foresta metafisica」

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My oc Pisica Aria

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"What shall I love if not the enigma?"
A young Giorgio de Chirico inscribed this question on an early self-portrait, and so sets the subtext of his Metaphysical period...

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Con l'apertura dei pre-order della versione Switch di Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster negli USA, è stata svelata la copertina dell'edizione fisica del gioco.
L'artwork è lo stesso utilizzato per la limited del gioco su PS3 e per tutte le edizioni PS4.

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I hope you don't get overwhelmed! But if you're feelin' it down the line, here's a lackadaisical plant-girl for ya. C:

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