Eu tava tentando fazer uns ngc diferente do que eu normalmente faço

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NGC 6995: The Bat Nebula

The name NGC 6995 was assigned to a specific region of the Eastern Veil Nebula.

The Veil itself is a large remnant, located about 2,400 light-years away in the constellation


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"Street Scene, Montreal” by Henrietta Mabel May (NGC). In the Thirties, she taught art at Elmwood in Ottawa and supervised the Saturday morning “Happy Art Class” at the National Gallery. The Beaver Hall Group and Its Legacy, p.109.

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Yoo eu sou o And e eu desenho uns ngc ai :3

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NGC2237 Rosette Nebula
10min/per SⅡ:Hα:OⅢ=10:19:7
Total 6h
ASA 500

process by me

5 13

Tentando um ngc diferente nos olhos

3 63

Tommy is the NGC6992 - a nebula, that was left after a huge supernova. Usually people photograph only one part of it, the brightest, forgetting about the whole image, just as his new viewers notice his “loud child” part, missing his entire personality. Image author: A. Medvedevas

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eu fui tentar melhorar essa foto pra fazer um ngc e saiu assim.....

6 163

Koe galera o tá pra lançar seu som dia 22/11 😵❄️❄️

Fiquem ligados q o ngc tá vindo pesado.

Link do canal :

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ta são 3hrs da manhã mas preciso postar isso

fiquei sem internet entao tive que fazer td sem referencia, queria um traço meio estranho, mas ao msm tempo eu gostei e nao gostei dele, entao tentei fazer um ngc meio "realista" e eu ate gostei mas eu nao tenho pacienciakkkkk aaaaaa

1 3

eu só tinha 1 ngc daqueles de orar e veio ela 0 -0

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“Georgian Bay, November", 1921, (NGC) & “November”, 1922, (Hart House) by A.Y. Jackson, first president of the Beaver Hall Group. He often wrote to newspapers defending the modernists, using pseudonyms such as Cadium, Rose Madder, and Sap Green — the colours in his paintbox.

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tentei fazer um ngc aqui, mas nao deu muito certo :/

13 168

Estrelas massivas são grandes artistas no universo. A sua radiação altamente energética, esculpe nuvens de gás e poeira, como observamos nessas belas imagens do Hubble.

Esquerda: Os Pilares da Criação.
Direita: Nuvem ao redor do aglomerado de estrelas NGC 602.

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“Miss Audrey Buller”, c. 1922-23, by Randolph Hewton, founding member of the Beaver Hall Group. (NGC) Royal Canadian Academy of Arts diploma work, deposited by the artist, Trenton, Ontario, 1935.

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Лeнты и жeмчужины в cпиpaльнoй гaлaктикe NGC 1398

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dabi sem as cicatrizes é um ngc assim... meu amigo...

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The gorgeous twisting patterns created by the multiple spiral arms of NGC 2835 create the illusion of an eye. A fitting description, as the galaxy resides near the head of the southern constellation of Hydra, the water snake.

(Credit: ESA/Hubble/NASA, J. Lee, and the PHANGS-HST)

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Este colorido y complejo paisaje es NGC 5189. Es una nebulosa planetaria, producida por una estrella, similar al Sol, al final de su vida. Se cree que está en un sistema binario. La nebulosa mide unos 3 años-luz y está a 3000 años-luz. Crédito: NASA/ESA/Hubble

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