Krazy Psychosycho Bass 2的封面也很好看()

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movies make psychos more creative!!

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tw: dysphoria, psychosis
recent vent art

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Mischief managed
Two last psychos (or not?)
Inspired by

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"Psychedelic" vs. "Psychosis" using 's CLIPIT The visuals are *so* evocative.

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Whitmore’s Second Soul (aka power) called Blast
This power allows him to scream so loudly it causes his opponent to hallucinate/get in a psychosis state

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Kinda weird that everyone was trying to treat bipolar/psychosis when the actual problems were trauma and smoking

well at least thoth and god were thinking even if nobody else, even me, was

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I have no words. Just look at this. Psychoskull really outdid himself.

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Love this art by PsychoSkull

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thinking about vanessa redgrave's unhinged psychosexual turn in the devils (1971). wish more actors and directors embraced theatrical physicality on film - this performance is a masterclass.

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☆ Today’s psychotic character of the day is Alexei Dinoia from Tales of Vesperia.
He has paranoid psychosis, believing the world is out to get him as well as believing the only way to save the world is by causing a Great War.

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