sqh: mobeijun keeps telling me to braid his hair and each time he looses more clothing i think hes threatening me


267 848

I'm gonna come out and say it, if the poster is showing Mobei Jun, I fricking hit the nail on the head with his fanart I did a year ago ffffff

8 40

I saw lots of fanon and white-haired Mobei Jun today and thought, what if his hair colour changes according to his mood. Like turning white when he's angry and in fighting mode.

131 459

baby boy uwu
some icons, maybe i will draw more but with other characters

10 45

Dedicated to Zan for always being so supportive of me 😊❤️

414 1180

drawing sqh chubby cheeks is always a mood booster

10 28

Пока я чем-то занимаюсь, выложу сюда чибиков, которых рисовала для карточек участников мошан зина! :3

16 71

У Мобэя разыгралась фантазия, когда он услышал незнакомые слова :3

9 84

Мини Цинхуа, мини цинхуа
У меня всё✌️ 👁️👄👁️✨💗💘💕

1 8

🎶ur takin me to the point of no return🎶

52 151