Vegeta SSB!
First time trying Shintani style! Also gave me the chance to work on an aura

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Here's a concept mock up of a potara between Black and . As you may have noticed, this is not my usual style lol. I tried very hard to mimic the more modern style of dragon Ball, ideally a Shintani esque design.

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The main 3 modern art styles for Dragon Ball are insanely different in their approaches, I'm personally more a fan of Shintani's most but I'm curious to hear on what you guys prefer out of the three 👀

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Avec Shintani à la direction artistique du film Broly, on retrouve enfin la «souplesse» de l’animation et des dessins moins «plastiques»/statiques à l’image des productions des années 90 👍 Sur Shenron c’est flagrant ! Le rendu sur BOG et FnF était bien pauvre le concernant.

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the anatomy in dragonball finally started to make sense. but i fear that people would retroactively look at my older drawings and be like, OMG YOU DREW ARMS LIKE SHINTANI. while i was here doing this first. guys... i just know my anatomy.

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A concept drawing of how an MUI Goku design sheet would look if drawn by Shintani 🙇‍♂️ Big thanks to and For helping me with this!

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Faut que je sois honnête: j'ai qqs craintes sur le nouveau chara-design de Shintani.

Ce retour à un style 90's me séduit beaucoup et rend bien dans une prod gros budget comme DBS Broly. Par contre, j'ai peur que ce rendu simpliste soit moche au possible dans une suite lowbudget!

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I'm curious as to which Broly looks better to you guys from an artstyle/design perspective 🤔 I personally prefer the newer take done by Shintani.

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Akira Toriyama / Tadayoshi Yamamuro / Naohiro Shintani

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~ Character Design de Gokū SSG ~
Shintani VS Toriyama VS Yamamuro

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Don't forget to smack anyone who has said that Tate doesn't know how to draw.

I guess that those people didn't watch the episodes animated by Seigasha back in Dragon Ball Z, they got too used to plastic, Dorito-eyes rigid designs from hell. Send them to Shintani's church.

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Drew a concept on how I think a super saiyan 3 Shintani Goku would look. I think I done a pretty good job all things considered 😅

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Was recently inspired by and his awesome drawings for I'm in love with the Shintani art designs. Made two versions, including my attempt at painting an ice landscape. Still needs more work, I feel. Enjoy!

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Goku Black in shintanis style, tried hard to make this as close as i can~

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Another comparison with Vegeta. Which one looks better to you? I'm personally not a fan of Toriyama's here (sorry) and Yamamuro's is a bit bland, so to the surprise of no one I'd go with Shintani. Curious to hear who you guys prefer and why 👀 Credit to for the picture

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