Para resolver problemas, necesitas invertir el 90% de tu tiempo en buscar la SOLUCIÓN manteniendo siempre la calma. Olvídate de darle vueltas al problema y sus causas, no utilices nunca más del 10% de tu tiempo en ello.

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I liked ’s idea of a month of sketchnote prompts. So here’s my evening response to her prompt. .

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And the heatwave continues... Its so hot you could... Why choose? Early morning, do both!

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Is it strange that this image immediately came to mind when I began reading the portion Massei?

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I must do 3 or 4 sketchnotes a day, and it’s not even on purpose anymore. I’ve integrated them into a number of aspects of what I do & I believe you should too (if you don’t already) 😀✏️

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VizInteract: Building one of the world's largest interactive data visual experiencws with Android Canvas by

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Some fascinating insights into Thinking Clearly from sketchnote by Which pt. do you need to brush up on?

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Sharing the in Spanish, if anyone needs it. Together we can make learning accesible to all learners.

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Inside of the head is invisible. Discussion may lead to misunderstanding, without drawings that show each idea.

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Heute Präsentation zu im Landtag S-H mit Anke Grotlüschen () Wir müssen Grundbildung übergreifend denken und ermöglichen.

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I’m a fan of ’s “The Sketchnote Handbook — The Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking.” Learn to take better notes that will help you learn more, retain more, and communicate better!

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peeps!!! Join in on the conference wrap-up and reflection edition of after ISTE! Sign up now to get on a team and be a part of all the fun!

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