Completely forgot about posting these wen I finished them last night I’m not a huge fan of parappa/jammer lammy but they are extremely fun to draw

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(A design I made for Moosesha for fun)

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Para mantener algo activo cuenta. Viejos sprites de Parappa y Lammy que hice hace más de 3 años aproximadamente.

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Parraparapa para parapaaah

11 39

This series has been living in my head rent free for months I crave a new game

6 23

Its been a while since I drew Katy

1 9

Wouldn't say that I am particularly off of hiatus just yet, however I was wanting to draw something different for quite the while now; so here's a I've made~!

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Still have not played but I wanted a go at designing some of the characters in the style.

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I gotta believe!!!

rts appreciated!

4 14

I love these games so much, And the style that they exude.

2 6

Drew , love that goddamn game, even if it's one of the far less polished rhythm games

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I woke Up today And was Like let's Draw the Hip-hop Hero ! With pappy Rappy 1 And 2 Alts.

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