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My dad @Enecoobot sends this every time he excuses himself for prayers now
"I commend earnest mental prayer to you, more particularly such as bears upon the Life and Passion of our Lord. If you contemplate Him frequently in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with Him, you will grow in His Likeness..." - St. Francis de Sales
@SebastianAJones will be at #DPCC2019! In 2008 he founded @strangercomics and Stranger Kids. Under Stranger's dark fantasy line Asunda, he has received critical praise for his work on The Untamed: A Sinner's Prayer and Dusu: Path of the Ancient. Tickets: https://t.co/P1fJH93Yrv
With the celebration of Palm Sunday yesterday, we enter Holy Week - a time of peace, reflection, penance and prayer. Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest! – Luke 19:38.
New artwork for sale! - "Forest Daffodil in the Rain The Prayer" - https://t.co/H78f8T4oSv @fineartamerica
New artwork for sale! - "Forest Daffodil in the Rain The Prayer" - https://t.co/H78f8T4oSv @fineartamerica
New artwork for sale! - "Forest Daffodil in the Rain The Prayer" - https://t.co/H78f8T4oSv @fineartamerica
春季例大祭でりとるぅさんのブース(か37b LittlePrayer)にて配布予定の妖夢ちゃん合同誌に私も参加させていただきました!本当にたくさんの神絵師さんが参加してる作品ですので、オススメの一冊です!!もしよろしければお立ち寄りくださいませっ!
Beep beep. It's the birthday of Barbara Hepworth's husband - Ben Nicholson. His work is deceptively gentle and calm. But he was a turbulent man. Three wives. And he was a member of the spooky Christian Science cult which believed that all illness could e cured with prayer. Hmmm.
The moment I wake up, Before I put on my makeup, I say a little prayer for you... from Litigatio Christi cum Belial - available for 4 more days via the Kickstarter at https://t.co/RcVnDnRTW5
On April 9, 1945, after conducting a prayer service for fellow prisoners in Flossenberg camp, #DietrichBonhoeffer received a summons: “Prisoner Bonhoeffer, get ready and come with us.” He replied, "This is the end, for me the beginning of life.” He was hanged that night.
2019年5月5日(日) 第16回博麗神社例大祭のりとるぅさん(@_littleu_)主催の魂魄妖夢合同誌に1P寄稿しました!
気になる方は「か37b LittlePrayer」まで是非お立ち寄りください~!!(*'ω'*)
5月5日開催の例大祭にてりとるぅさん@_littleu_ 主催の魂魄妖夢合同誌(か37b LittlePrayer)に、イラストを1枚寄稿させて頂きました!
第十六回博麗神社例大祭「か37b LittlePrayer」にて配布予定の魂魄妖夢合同誌です!
@EVO @NintendoVS @NintendoAmerica Hope y'all are adding deodorant sprayers to the Smash Player entrance.