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I'm only really alive when I'm
— Tennessee Williams


53 44

I write to find what I have to say. I edit to figure out how to say it right.

100 124

Stay away from the machinery of the modern world. It will ruin your imagination.


57 102

"Is there no way out of the mind?"
— Sylvia Plath

Cyril Rolando

75 98

“#Poems do bring people together.”
—William Stafford

59 96

All writers have this vague hope that the elves will come in the night & finish any stories


78 138

You must stay drunk on so reality cannot destroy you.
~ Ray

46 54

We are alive only in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our

Kazumasa Uchio

31 70

There are many ways to be One of them is to by as I do.

49 87

I saw the in the marble and carved until I set him free.

114 147

I don’t understand the process of imagination—though I know that I am very much at its mercy
Joseph Heller

90 134

If there's a you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it

82 123

TheUnNovelist: All the time I'm not I feel like a criminal. Fran Lebowitz

8 7

If I fall asleep with a pen in my hand, don't remove it - I might be writing in my dreams

32 46

“Nothing is more human than a
—Marilynne Robinson


62 82

The that mean the most to you feel long before you formulate them
Robert Pinsky


44 58

No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.

50 68