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According to Sherlock Holmes' stories, Dr. Watson born 1852*

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died 1930*

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1994, Oasis played at The Erotika Club, Paris in France, the bands first gig outside the UK

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2008, Paul Weller went to No.1 in the UK album chart with his ninth solo album '22 Dreams.'

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1977, The Jam's debut single 'In The City' made No.40 on the UK singles chart.

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1967 Born on this day, Noel Gallagher guitarist,singer,songwriter, Oasis,LEGEND

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2005, Oasis went to No.1 in the Uk singles chart with 'Lyla' giving them their seventh No.1 single.

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1536 Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII's second wife, was beheaded for incest and adultery.

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Happy Birthday to German Expressionist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner! in 1880, here is 'Street, Berlin', 1913

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March 31,1146 - Bernard of Clairvaux preaches for the necessity of a 2nd Crusade. (Ugh)

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-1562, a public ban on kissing is proclaimed in Naples, punishable by death.

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Happy birthday to Honoré Daumier, who was born in 1808 http://t.co/M7wUz47Spb

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'Throughout American history, intelligence has helped secure our country and our freedoms.' Pres

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Happy Birthday (if still alive) to Joan of Arc. Born 1412

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1864 C.Dodgson gave Alice Liddell a story she had inspired him to write- It was called Alice in Wonderland

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1805 The Battle of Trafalgar. English-Nelson defeated French/Spanish Napoleon (pictured)

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"Young Eric Lock"had spectacular day 1940.With 4 victories became an"ace" http://t.co/vTTrNwRuxd

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"Young Eric Lock" had a spectacular day 1940.With 4 victories he became an "ace" http://t.co/vTTrNwRuxd

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in 1847:#MaxLiebermann, German painter and etcher, instrumental in bringing Impressionism to Germany

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1162, Thomas à Becket was consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury.

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1838, the last battle on English soil took place at the Battle of Bosenden Wood

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