画質 高画質

Kanie itu bego apa gapeka. B"D [Amagi Brilliant Park]

11 4

Konnichiwa. Jangan lupa cek favorit kita ya. Ada kuis berhadiah menarik

3 2

Beberapa hari ke depan bakal diadain kuis berhadian light novel SAO. Stay tuned ya

34 4

Merry Christmas for those celebrating it. Wish you a merry one!

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Have an Eruna doodle I love Mikagura and Akina's art soooosososo much

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wtf I found you on Akinator

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I was playing a game called Akinator and the genie guessed correctly that I was thinking about Ika.

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ランプの魔神Akinator http://t.co/ekbSspBmMz にヒロ様を召還してもらおうと思って質問に答え続けてたらこんな事を聞かれた。

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happy wedding & ♥ jadi keluarga sakinah, mawadah, warahmah ya... doain cepet nyusul :))

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That awkward moment when you get your uncle as an answer on

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you know you've made it when Akinator knows you

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ㅎㅅㅎ?! kaisoo fanart [cr:akinahc]

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[FANART] JREN Back Hug ~ (cr. Akinahc)

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[FANART] JREN Back Hug  ~ source from camping in TH ㅋㅋㅋ \(//∇//)\ (Cr. Akinahc)

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[FANART] JREN Sweet Moment ~ㅋㅋㅋ (Cr.Akinahc)

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[Fanart] ฮยองรอผมด้วย (cr.akinahc)

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[FANART] JREN 귀엽지? ㅋㅋ (Cr. Akina)

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[FANART] JREN draw by Akina (Cr.Akinahc) -///////-

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o Akinator conhece a Bebba!!

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