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parents & other relatives share in duties for rearing. What amazing families! Protect & respect.

12 8

Fact: There are tiny spirits that look like rice. You have probably unknowingly eaten whole families of rice people.

31 91

Vous avez désormais 24h pour RT ce message et avoir une chance de gagner l'un des 5 familiers Corbac en jeu !

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Thu 2 April, Foyles at Bristol: storytelling & crafts for families

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From here I'd like to send my bests wishes to the damnaged families because of the airplane crash, rip. (Srry my Eng)

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Les familiers authentiques font des envieux, attention à ne pas les échanger contre des ressources ou une seule arme.

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Wishing you and your families a prosperous

恭喜發財 !

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Visual Families: Graphic Storytelling in Design and Illustration

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Familieportret (detail), work in progress http://t.co/ocZc0xMfKX

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Can't resist adding these details in the background 😁 ...

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Can't sleep tonight, thoughts with my French cartooning colleagues, their families and loved ones

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Our thoughts go out out to people at Charlie Hebdo and their families. Senseless violence is never the answer.

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I wish you all Happy Holidays, fun and wonders of you and your families!) Merry Christmas! :))

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