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started as a physical sketch then did the rest on #mangastudio #surface pro. It's my characters, Layla and Lorre. :)
New artwork for sale! - "Princess Layla and Friends" - http://t.co/0bYWstpBHK @fineartamerica
New artwork for sale! - "Princess Layla and Friends" - http://t.co/0bYWstpBHK @fineartamerica
Laylaは『ふわふわの茶髪で吸い込まれそうな緑の双眼の、病弱そうな青白い肌を持つ13歳の少年』を描くべきです。 #bisyounen http://t.co/ta0rVd8sGv 息抜きに落書き。
Laylania ~Another Story~ [moon*bird] image CD sold in Laylania Concert 2013 . Contains nice instrumental tracks!
Image album CD sold in Laylania Concert 2013 Black&White last month : Laylania ~Another Story~ [moon*bird]
'Coz I was pestered to listen to all tracks in Laylania ~Another Story~ [moon*bird], I did so .The tracks are cool .
I've listened to the instrumental tracks in Laylania ~Another Story~ [moon*bird] . Truly splendid !
Laylania ~Another Story~ [moon*bird] is an image CD consisting 5 instrumental tracks . Released 24th of March -c-
Laylania Black&White : Left -Kuro no Utahime (=Black songtress) Right-Shiro no Utahime (=White songtress)
Layla C.R. of Huron Street Public School in Toronto Ontario is this month's recipient of Acorns Artwork of the Month.
Kuro (=Black ,left) & Shiro (=White,right) no Utahime (=Songtress) . The two mascots for Laylania Black & White
Laylania's Black&White mascot (?) characters. Left -Kuro no Utahime (Black) , Right-Shiro no Utahime (White).