🚀El niño
Acuarela + lápices de color + bolígrafo + bolígrafo acrílico blanco sobre papel de acuarelas A5

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A fast resting Luke Sjywalker sketch. Star Wars is one thing that's been really helping me with my anxiety ❤️.

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Wonderfully detailed cutaway illustration of the Lars Homestead by Hans Jenssen. 0.18mm ink pen and gouache colour rendering.

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I'm obsessed with his badass entrance in S2 finale and his cloak and boots😩

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The thing most feared by some. 😉Any hint, even the smallest paragraph that implies love or romance in a sci fi/genre novel. Even though it’s one of the biggest drivers of some of the greatest films ever made. 👩‍🦰

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“I can't do it, Artoo. I can't go on alone.” - Luke Skywalker

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A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

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I'm not posting completed pieces here anymore but fuck it I'm gonna do it anyway
Look at Luke!!!

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💥Star Wars : A New Hope

NEW artwork from

Plus 2 previous Star Wars entries from as well!

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