🎐✨ Chinese Valentine's Day ✨🎐
Fate tried to separate them, but love keep them together

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✨🌙🎐Chinese Valentine’s Day🎐🌙✨

❤️May all your wishes come true on this special day when lighting up lotus lamp.❤️

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

116 458


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✨ Such an intimate & sweet hug, only the one who truly in love can do it, right? ✨

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

98 422


✨💜Here’s our sweet & beautiful human girl Rin-Chan💙✨

Authorized source from Weibo:秀则

51 187


✨🎐:“Sesshomaru sama…Jaken sama will be woken up by us……”✨

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

69 478

❤️🌙🎐Rainy night·Plus🎐🌙❤️

✨At this moment, she has nowhere to go except in his arms.✨

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

72 517


✨A sudden kiss in fireworks show,will she marry him??✨

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

182 768


✨Congratulations on marrying a human girl and having 2 half-blood babies.✨

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

120 514


✨Do you have an important one to protect?✨


Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

145 644


✨Of splendour in the grass,
of glory in the flower, they will always get what they want.✨

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力

88 568


✨“Only the weakest Hanyo will stay with human!!! Rin,let’s go.”✨

Authorized author:漫芯巧克力

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杀铃,相互救赎,相互成就。有她在,他找到真正的自我,不再固执于铁碎牙,获得自己的力量。有他在,她在荒乱的战国永葆至纯至真的初心。相互救赎,互宠互爱!我一定要给我最爱的CP投上我的一票🥰 https://t.co/4v4VbYw3h9

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This is a tiny preview to the /  48-Hour Relay Race!

✨🌙🎐King & Queen🎐🌙✨

❤️Here’s Great demon King & his human Queen❤️

Authorized source from Weibo:痱瓜瓜

231 745

That’s why I work so hard!!!For gaining my precious SessRin family!!!🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️

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✨🌙🎐Wedding night🎐🌙✨

❤️Her black long hair,smooth & soft skin and sweet voice are the most beautiful 3 things he has ever seen in his life❤️

Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力


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