Day 748 - The start of Hiatus

so this is it, this will be my last piece until my semester ends. But that doesn't mean I'm off this platform though, just not drawing dailies XDD

thank you all for the support, and I'll be back. ( •̀ ω •́ )7✧

172 1181

Day 747 - It's so sunny today

maybe it wasn't a good idea to go to the beach today...

344 2104


1183 11323

Day 746 - so close to finishing!

and now, only the background left! XDD

108 1106

Day 745 - just a 1 hour sketch for today

had house stuff to deal with today (•ω•`)

129 909

Day 744 - you know what, you guys are right

it's not worth it if we don't risk something XDD

so fuck it, we BALL!

before that, here's normal Hina swimsuit

114 893

空崎ヒナ hina,
traces of last night 💋~❤️

170 923

Day 743 - good night

sleep tight ( -ω-)zzzz

221 1569

Day 742 - must baby the tiny tired disciplinary chairwoman

she's very precious, must cuddle and headpat :3

213 1145

Day 741 - Laying by your side

until you fall asleep -w- zzzzz

194 1056

Day 740 - This tempura oji-san has appeared a lot lately on my feed

it was swimsuit Kanna that flooded first, now it's this thing XDD

152 946

空崎ヒナ hina ,
ねこランジェリー ~ meow~❤️

138 834