Happy Birthday Fuga-san!😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰😤😤😤🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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Yoshimitsu… as Yoshimitsu? Yep! Specifically 2’s version.

Thanks for this amazing piece!

Oh, and since it’s still her birthday over here, happy birthday Yoshimitsu.

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Happy Birthday my 2nd New Wave Hebijo megami~ 😍😍😍😤😤🥰🥰😻😻🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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たのの skeb受付中さんのコミッション「以前描いて頂いた神姫プロジェクトのマーリンの退魔忍風衣装とシチュがとてもよかったので閃乱カグラNewWaveの祀の退魔忍風衣装も是非よろしくお願いし...」 https://t.co/oWEnLnXQ4K より

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たのの skeb受付中さんのコミッション「閃乱カグラNewWaveの祀(狼の首飾りもセット)でシャワーを浴びているイラストをお願いします。
・胸とお尻、カットイン描写でもいいので両方描いてい...」 https://t.co/06A6sijbKA より

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Might as well get it out of the way now - happy birthdays to Meimei (10/14) and Ushimaru (10/15)! Enjoy this wonderful beach piece by !

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https://t.co/kSzT7nHlsQ より

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Figured I would post these two together. Presenting the bassists from the A.R.C. Angels, Sakyō and Ukyō!

Side note, these are likely the last of the New Waves I'll be posting.

Art by

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The silent but talented drummer, Tachibana, of the A.R.C. Angels! She attacks with her drum sticks clad with electricity.

Bust portrait by . Sorry for the lack of posts, not been feeling up to it recently. :/

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More A.R.C. Angels as we move on to the chatty one of the team, the guitarist Karasu. Who also uses said guitar to beat her enemies down. I love this franchise so much.

Bust portrait by , doing God's work again

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Last New Wave team I'm getting portraits of (for now) are the A.R.C. Angels, and let's say hi to their leader, the metalhead Tsubaki! Being a metalhead myself, she already resonates with me a lot.

Art by

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【閃乱カグラNewWave Gバースト くじコレ】

『閃乱カグラNewWave Gバースト』ジューンブライドブロマイドが当たる!
チャンスは本日7/16(金) 18時まで!


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Rounding out the Hakuō shinobi is the 2nd-year Kanzaki who, like Miyabi, gives off a "handsome" appearance... or would, if it wasn't for that chest. :V Kanzaki still has a great design regardless.

Portrait by

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Here's Kisaragi, 3rd-year shinobi of Hakuō. Not to be confused with Honey Kisaragi of Cutie Honey fame. :V

Portrait by

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