2019 Good Day Korea Fan Meeting
😎✨✨✨(Part 2)

4️⃣ 📱I missed U~🎶
5️⃣ U Make Me — BOUNCE🎤🕺🏻✨
6️⃣ Bogum secret recipe 🧪🌸

Bless U All🏹💙

57 162

2019 Good Day Korea Fan Meeting
😭✨✨✨(Part 1)

1️⃣ Thanks for coming 💐♥️
2️⃣ You’re so PRETTY ✌🏻💕
3️⃣ Bogum Fighting 🏹💙💙💙

Bless U All🏹💙

75 192

보검오빠랑 진혁오빠 덕분에 행복한 겨울 보내고 있어요⛄️❄️

20 64

⭐︎ ⭐︎

바쁜 일정 속에 일본에 와주시고 MAMA에서 멋진 모습을 보여주셔서 감사했습니다💖

114 294

2018 MAMA in JAPAN ✖️ Pocket Illustration Part 1

애교 귀요밍👌🏻👌🏻💕✨
It’s DESIGNER GUM !! (Screaming 🔥

Bless U All🌻

27 79

Boyfriend ✖️ Pocket Illustration

Little Christmas cutie 👼🏻✨✨
Can’t wait to see the MAMA fashion of Bogum ssi !!!!! Must be fabulous!!!

Bless U All🎄

20 65

Boyfriend ✖️ Pocket Illustration


Simple drawing of 2 snowy cuties ⛄️

Bless U All🎄

Sweet dreams & remember watch Boyfriend tomorrow~~~!!!

36 91

Boyfriend ✖️ Pocket Illustration


1️⃣Wipe x 5✨✨✨🤤☺️
2️⃣Emmm?? We reach??😪😯
3️⃣I DUN CARE! I must feed U👉🏻🦑👄

(It’s the ears of Corgi🐶✨
Bless U All🌻

33 94

Boyfriend ✖️ Pocket Illustration 💜✨

🧑🏻📱👦🏻 ✖️ 🤸🏻‍♂️🌳⛲️

Bless U All🌻

33 96


🥤Be happy & kindhearted always~~~

Bless U All🌻

(1 hour speed drawings💦 Good night )

15 64

《💖Double 11💕》

Please do enjoy your sweet Pepero Day !!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Bless U All🍀

(This may be the last digital fan art due to my laptop problems... 😢😰)

10 52

《🌊💚🍇Sorry for being late》

A 🎁 for <Boyfriend>

I want to challenge the ball pen watercolor effect but i failed... I will try it next time 😤😭 Never give up & Try everything!!

21 77

🖤Doodle 👻Sorry for disturbing
(Eye candy 🍬 vs Eye spicy 🌶)

Bless U All🍀🍀🍀
Ref. Pic©️®️by Creative Bogum Fan

40 141

A bite of refreshing
Not for sale but
Only for a glance

Bless U All🍀
(Ref. pic from©️®️genia616)

56 178

「나랑 별보러 가지 않을래? 네 손은 꼭 잡을래.」

41 178