To absolutely nobody’s surprise.

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Titanfall 2

I dont need to say anything else.

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2016: Assassination Classroom Season 2

it's peaaak

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2016: My Hero Academia S1

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2016: Dark Souls 3.

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2016: this one's my baby. I would die for you

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2016: Yet again another generic answer lmao

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2016: i had a disease called mp100

shout out also to berserk, boku no hero, and jjba part 4 this year

i have a second art to this too actually

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2016: ok so um................... this one is a really controversial one, It's Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest

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2016: bravely second end layer won my heart by the end. kaiser oblivion if you're out there...........

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2018: Marvel's Spider-Man
2017: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
2016: DOOM
2015: Shovel Knight Plague of Shadows

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2016: Games are a dead medium, I have nothing left to live fo- OH HI ONESHOT

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2016: I STG I THOUGHT THIS WAS RELEASED IN 2014 FOR SOME REASON.......... BRAIN MACHINE BROKE. also i still havent played birthright despite my bestie loaning it to me years ago. im so fucking sorry

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2016: In a year that also had bangers like Re:Zero, Yuri on Ice, and Love Live Sunshine, I believe March Lion was the best out of all of them

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2016: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

(Overwatch was fun for a bit until all the Blizzard nonsense from a few years back)

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Moonlight Xrd Revelator

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2016: Train to Busan, dir Yeon Sang-ho
2015: The Martian, dir Ridley Scott
2014: Kingsman: The Secret Service, dir Matthew Vaughn
2013: Pacific Rim, dir Guillermo Del Toro

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