Still happy to hold an despite the floor being low. The team is still building and they are the OG in this space for the particular style of art that their collection represents.

$NFTs t

37 151

"ON1Force 鬼男子"
Thank you!☺️💞

This is a derivative of "

This will be a depiction of everyday life in the world he lives in👹🍜

46 176

As news of the New Tokyo battle spread through the Enclave, reaching the demon's kiss...🧵

7 54

Bro. Anyone who wants to bring drama to can bring drama but they’ll have to deal with the smoke.....#R1SE

3 51

Reporting for duty. HER03S W1LL R1S3.

0 12

there are 💎gems💎 laying around if you look closely enough 👺🎒👟🧦👀

5 63

This is a derivative of from the Collection.
commission from
Thank you so much!! ✊👺🔥 🔥🔥🔥I was super fun drawing this powerful 0N1🔥🔥🔥

5 36

"From New Tokyo to the Ethereal Enclave & Lands Between, a tarnished and frenzied 0n1 sets off on a quest, these are strange times but no fear is found in this maidenless heart. Forefathers one and all, bear witness!!"
Elden Ring & 0N1Force crossover

5 24

Don’t sleep on ! Love my commission of my and Insane vision & vibe!

14 83

It's always great to see new projects innovate and push the boundaries of what can be done in this space. Well done !

2 8

カロンさん()が持ってる 2010のファンアート!!


42 214

Cant say how impressed I am with the from

Cppped a light smoke BG upgrade along with some "true" battle damage and killer "Dark Aura"

Post up your Kitsune

7 81

This is why I love Check out the frame I got 👇 Always on top with art quality 🔥
Super happy with my 0N1 0N1 FRAMES

2 41