That flat human is Papelle. Then, from left to right, Tailstool, Gammy and Bubun. When a rip formed in the sky, Papelle set off to investigate what could be causing it. She uses her Wonder-Wand to attract loose scraps from the environment and craft powerful attacks!

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Her name is Buncake, and she's exactly what you'd expect. And yes, she's quite flat. Y'all voted for her, after all! She cooks really delicious pancakes, and other such foods, and when asked about the implications that she just says "Don't think about it too hard."

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Ester is part of a predictably large family of anthropomorphic bunnies, though she wasn't "born" quite like the others, as her hollow, sweet body may suggest. She found an ordinary chocolate egg one day and somehow was convinced she laid it. She also tends to melt.

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These objectfolk sisters run a clothes and fabric shop in the town of Zekonwan. Silk is sociable and very charming, and one heck of a haggler. Wringle is into working with textiles, and she's the creative one of the two. She is also a bit of a neat freak.

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"Gargle gargle gargle"... that's usually what people hear when Hydrany talks. Anyways, her water arms defy all laws of logic, suddenly "ending" instead of, say, completely soaking everything. And she can also spit out an additional water arm from her mouth.

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She is essentially a collection of very fine and moist particles that are very loosely connected, and they all seem to have a fraction of her "essence". When enough clump together, that's a Zoe! She is very frail and often breaks up or erodes, but she's fine with it.

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With her bun beret, lettuce hair and other assorted juicy body parts, Hamburgirl is good at making an impression. What's her secret for staying so fresh? clue. Her actual name is Hannah Burghsen but no one calls her that lol.

also don't even think about it.

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The most powerful fighter among the OC roster! ...or so she likes to claim. This folded paper-tiger-person seeks a worthy challenge. Behind her sharp looking edges, Zhi Lao is a cowardly soul who can't take a light tap. Being paper isn't even an excuse really.

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Azure, a grayscale detective with a deceptively punny name, unravelled the mystery of a strangely captive canon and eventually freed all her peers being deleted. Since then, things have been far less stressful, but there are still many cases to keep her occupied.

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Born with a squashy, stretchy body and extremely long arms, which at their shortest can wrap around her torso several times. Minty's squishy physiology, combined with her "magic molecules" make her dangerously, uncontrollably powerful. Rarely not in shenanigans.

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Honey (no points for guessing what she's made of) has had very little interaction with humans, mostly only knowing other objectfolk. She's quite sweet, if a bit eccentric. Bees keep making and using her mass, though it doesn't seem to bother her at all.

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THE objective best design of the entire some fool series. Perhaps of fiction in general even. Hefeuhefeuhefeui is the best OC, and has had countless inferior derivative characters. Truly indicative of how the rest of some fool OCs look like.

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Mabel has a hammer and a chisel in lieu of hands. Her backstory had her use them to attempt to carve out someone like her… but apparently making stone animate is harder than it looks. She's trying to carve Tulip out of that ground chunk.

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Ova is a highly dangerous kitchen egg timer whether she likes it or not. Her delayed explosion is strong enough to flatten entire towns in one go. You may wonder why she’s specifically based off a kitchen egg timer and why she wears a crab hood. You see the joke is t

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Lemmie is a tiny lemon sweet girl who is attached to a giant sword of frozen lemonade. The sword is a bit larger than she is, so swinging it or just carrying it around takes quite a bit of her strength. She dropped in from above, accidentally creating an opening!

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A bit of an odd duo. Krissi is a lazy sticker, with her front side being the adhesive side. Righley is the hand, that keeps pulling Krissi into hijinks. Well… unpeeling Krissi into hijinks.

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A balloon animal! Squicks is an overly friendly dog, and desires to be helpful at all times. She can float and fly regardless of what kind of air she inhales, so she is quite handy at transporting things through the air. Her hide is impenetrable, so she can't pop.

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Known only by her title of "Loremaster", she knows all the secrets of the some fool series™️ and is very happy to ramble infodumps to anyone who might need them. She has neglected being anything besides an exposition character... but she loves her job anyway.

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The optimistic mermaid made of rubber, Merie! She loves going out during treacherous weather and helping save lives of sinking people... kind of the opposite of what mermaids usually do. She's squeaky, buoyant and air headed, literally AND figuratively.

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If Tulip has her magic hand with her, she can perform all sorts of tricks, including the very plot-important teleportation! Alas, she accidentally teleported into the ground, immobilizing her arm and burying her wand. ...Incredibly unfortunate

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