Today we are looking (again) at the design and effects work in The Trial of a Time Lord Parts 9-12, Season 23, Serial 143, Code 7C. But if you want to call it Terror of the Vervoids, don't let me stop you.

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'On the 23th may of 2143, the life of SWAT agent Jake Hunt changed. Will he ever be able to fit in a world he never wanted to be part of?

Release date: 01.03.2021

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Days of 2020, continued (141,142,143,144/?)

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明日からの11/7(土)8(日)は東京ビッグサイトで開催の「デザインフェスタ Vol.52」に出展します。新作まわるおすしの新ネタ「しらこ」「いくら」もデザフェスで販売します。にがおえオーダーも受付しております。ブースNo.「B-143,144」にてご来場お待ちしています!

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'Daer doen si simmen speren breken, [...] Din esel dansen ende springen.'
In their romances, they make monkeys joust and donkeys dance and jump about
(Life of St. Lutgart of Tongres, II, vv. 96 & 98)

Images: Paris, Bibl. Sainte-Geneviève, 0143,
Pontifical of Guillaume Durand

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Poké gijinkas drawn with

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She is Erika-B143, survivor of Operation Torpedo, and best friend of Carl-B270.

Here are several poses, of her, as an adult and as a child, before the Covenant arrives in their Colony.

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118, 123, 126, 131, 138, 141, 143, 148, 155, 156, 159, 174

118, 123, 138, 155, 156, 159

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Another Rework! This time for my Agent 143, I did her less human and more "doll", adding more mechanics parts.
And also I add the Switch because why not?

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Made a second entry within the Book of the Witch. Page 143, ‘Pyrophagy’- the magic of devouring flames.

Inspired by how feminist witches co-opt slurs & insults meant to vilify & demean them (like witch, ashewo, misandrist, etc.); turning them into words that bolster their cause.

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📚 Boxes de livros

O senhor do anéis (R$ 116,90):
Jogos vorazes (R$ 76,60):
Crepúsculo (R$ 143,00):
Trilogia Verão (R$ 55,96):
*alguns descontos aparecem na finalização

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<2> and YCH commissions for BluntTruth143, DeathPanda21, xToxicMelodyx on deviantart

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【業務連絡】Na・No・Neチャレンジの画像パターンを2,449,007,903,451,824,659,443,482,624通り→2,907,106,471,184,823,668,143,292,416 通りに増やしました

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4/11,12に東京ビッグサイトで開催の ブースNo.が発表となりました。まゆイヌは1FのブースNo.「B-143,144」で両日出展します。今回は久々の中央通路沿いの角ブースという、大変良い場所になりました!楽しい展示にできるよう頑張ります!

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Current number: 143, next goal: 200 \o/

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ぷっちー貯金 143,350円



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Yesterday I posted page 143, remember that there won't be updates during the next few weeks! But I'll be back surely around the first week of November!

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エースコンバット7のアーセナルバード全幅1100m 空虚重量10万トンという記述に驚愕。そんなにか。目分量で大雑把に平均翼弦長130mとして翼面積は143,000平方m。離陸重量はとりあえず13万トンにしといて翼面荷重は929kg/ 平方m。離陸はマスドライバー使えるしモーターのパワーさえあれば普通に飛べそう

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