3 Feb 1663: John Donne, son of John Donne, Dean of St Paul's London & his father's literary executor is buried in St Paul’s Church Covent Garden

(eebo/ Met Museum)

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11 Jan 1632: Katherine Fowler, later Phillips, baptised at St Mary Woolchurch (BM) 'Matchless Orinda'.

Her ‘Pompée’ was premiered in Smock Alley on 10 Feb 1663

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Pittrice, docente, prima artista in Europa a fondare una scuola di pittura al femminile: intensa, breve vita di Elisabetta Sirani (1638-1665)

Battesimo di Cristo,1658
Madonna col Bambino,1663
Ritrovamento di Mosè,c.1665
Autoritratto con ritratto del padre,c.1665

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Fateシリーズ(fate series) セイバー(Saber)1663,kirinosuke

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🌈✏️Doodled Punk
just purchased for Ξ0.38 ($1663.46)


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🌈✏️Doodled Punk
just purchased for Ξ0.38 ($1663.46)


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【夜の4コマ部屋】あのとき (16) / サチコと神ねこ様 第1663回 / wako先生 https://t.co/EjqjIeIQgQ

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Luca Giordano (1634 -1705)
Saint Michael Altarpiece1663
Oil on canvas 196.2 x 146.9 cm
Gemäldegalerie , Berlin

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Cow. Drawn in 1663 by Adriaen van de Velde, a man who appreciated livestock. It’s his day today.

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🖼️ Boy Blowing Soap Bubbles. Allegory on the Transitoriness and the Brevity of Life
🎨 Karel Dujardin
📅 1663
🏛️ SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst // Copenhagen, Denmark

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in 1644 artist Plautilla Bricci was paid 30 scudi by Cardinal Barberini for two works—a St Francis & a still-life. She was also the architect of the Casa Benedetti 1663-65—& named as such in contracts—the first woman known as a professional architect. https://t.co/2KqAEX385N

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Drawing of the day
One evil exchanged for another.

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Links: volgens het een herenhorloge uit 1690 van schildpad en emaille. Op het portret van een vrouw toegeschreven aan Hendrick Cornelisz. van Vliet uit 1663 een vergelijkbaar horloge.

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"NZINGA" my​ NFT​#001 a female warrior named after Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba (1583-1663). She was a very powerful and talented person.
Space​ Barbarian​ 1/1​ edition​:

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Niño soplando pompas de jabón. Alegoría de lo transitorio y breve de la vida, 1663. 
Karel Dujardin (1622-1678).

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Il rapido Luca, tra sacro e mito

Luca Giordano (Napoli, 18 ottobre 1634 - 3 gennaio 1705)

Adorazione dei Magi, 1683-85
Sacra Famiglia con l’infante San Giovanni Battista, 1655
Venere dormiente con cupido e satiro, 1663
Sansone e il leone, 1694-96

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