Guten Morgen, ihr Lieben!
Giuseppe Tominz (1790–1866) 🎨 🇸🇮 🇮🇹
Selbstportrait des Malers in einem Fensterrahmen, 1826 🖼️
Narodna galerija Slovenije, Ljubljana 🏛️

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12月1日🐱 【コーヒー雑学】1826年 長崎の出島に医者として来てたでシーボルトがコーヒー飲用の効能を解説したんだよ(◍•ᗜ•́)✧

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"Si può correggere l'orgoglio, le bizze, la gola, la pigrizia; ma la conversione di un cuore invidioso e cattivo è una specie di miracolo"
Il 24 novembre 1826, a Firenze, nasce Carlo Collodi

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After his wife left in 1829 he quit London for Geneva. There he became interested in boat-building. He then moved to Paris & returned to London in 1840. Christ Walking on the Water (1826), Scene from Shakespeare (c1827-8), Mount Etna (1829) & Scene from Apocalypse (c1829)

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