Still Life with Mackerels and Tomatoes, 1886, looks to be authenticated as a van Gogh.

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Henry Robert Robertson (1839-1921)
The Plough.
Oil on canvas, 72cm x 143cm. Exhibited at the Royal Acadamy 1886,

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Jeanne Wenz, 1886, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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Boris Grigoriev (Russian 1886–1939) è stato uno dei più noti pittori russi della prima metà del ventesimo secolo. Nato nel 1886, studio' pittura a St Petersburg.

Portrait of Nicholas Roerich

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En 1886, el gobierno de EEUU encargó 7.584 acuarelas de todas las frutas plantadas o introducidas en el país. Es el archivo de Pomología (rama de la botánica de la clasificación de las frutas), y te las puedes descargar en alta resolución aquí:

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On this day in 1886, Mount Tarawera erupted. It is one of the largest eruptions in Aotearoa New Zealand and also destroyed the world-famous Te Tarata and Otukapuarangi Pink and White Terraces. ⛰

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When Van Gogh painted this "View of Paris" in 1886, he enlarged the city's most iconic architectural features, including the towers and spire of Notre Dame Cathedral. For Van Gogh, as for many of us, these will forever be defining elements of the Parisian skyline.

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January 1886, Vincent wrote to his brother Theo: ‘This week I painted a large thing with two nude torsos – two wrestlers [...] And I really like doing that’ -테오에게보낸 편지에 묘사된 스케치였는데 그걸로 빈센트 그림인것도 확인된것. 이상 크뢸러뮐러미술관설명참고

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Drive on the Champs-Elysée, 1886, Albert Edelfelt

“A palm-leaf carriage should move slowly, or else it loses its dignity.” ― Sei Shōnagon

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①Jean-Baptiste Jules Trayer, Breton seamstresses in a shop 1854
②Dressmaker’s Shop, 1886, Morgan Weistling

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Walter Crane's Imperial Federation: Showing the Extent of the in 1886, published by Maclure & Co
here are shown? absent?

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Merry Christmas! The Morse wishes you and your family of little angels a joyous day! From the Morse collection: "Here's a Jolly Christmas Load," woodblock print, 1886, Frederick Stuart Church, American, 1842–1924.

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Born on this day in 1886, the Mexican Muralist and artist, Diego Rivero. Read about this fascinating painter here:

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View of the roofs of Paris, 1886, Vincent Van Gogh.

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La Toilette (Woman Combing Her Hair), c. 1884–1886, pastel on paper, by Edgar Degas,

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Did you know? reportedly kept a copy of Watts's painting, Hope, in his cell on Robben Island - a reminder that even in the most difficult of times, there could still be hope. Watts, Hope, 1886, Private Collection.

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Watts's painting, Hope (1886), has inspired many. Last night remembered how Nelson Mandela had told him of the reproduction of Hope he'd kept in his prison cell on Robben Island. Image: G F Watts, Hope, 1886, Private Collection.

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Born 1886, King Alfonso XIII of Spain. King from birth as his father had died the previous year & his mother Maria Christina served as regent until he came of age. Married Princess Ena of Battenberg in May 1906 Couple narrowly escaped death when anarchists bombed procession

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Eight hours for work! Eight hours for rest! Eight hours for what we will!
Have an empowering

Laborers in Milwaukee demonstrated for reasonable working conditions on May 5th, 1886, the day after the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago.

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* Gerda Wegener March 15, 1886, Haderslev Municipality, Denmark 🌹

Plates from Les Délassements d’Eros, published in 1925

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