For the 4th day of the an emperor juvenile 🐟☀️🌺 (21 to go...)

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But like helping Scrooge learning the error of his ways, this Ghost of Past tells us all is not lost: many researchers + agencies across the are working to protect + restore native Ciscoes - check out + tagged tweeps for more!

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While native to east Asia, goldfish have been widely-introduced across the world because of their popularity as aquarium + pond fish. They’ve been found in every contiguous US state + all the

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Adult silver lampreys use their suction-like mouths to attach to a host fish + feed on flesh/body fluids (yum). They live 12-20 months as parasites before migrating up streams to spawn, and then die after spawning (like salmon!)

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Silver lampreys are members of a group of jawless, ancient fish called Petromyzontiformes - their name “Ichthyomyzon” literally means “fish-sucker” (Greek, ichthys = fish + myzo = to suckle)

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On the 15th day of I give you the Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker! These amazing little pingpong balls have boney "spikes" all over their bodies to protect them from predators!

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Holy its time! Diving into the with Fishing you all a FIN-tastic FISHmas! Enough fish puns, do you think I should it ‘scale’ back... just let ‘minnow’! Best fishes 🐠

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