Bunnie Rabbot from the Archie Comics

amalgamation of designs but heavly leaned towards issue 133's apperance, which is a bit of an odd choice I know but I thought it'd look cool in 3D

also made a few Alt renders

185 778

ausar333's human version of Celestia, from MLP.

32 184

Sometimes Nora likes to pretend she's still practicing for her pledge, just to see how much she can hold... it's a lot.

story art for undertaker33's new story Sugar Rush! check it out: https://t.co/N7hSmEh0Wa

211 1064

''Now now....don’t struggle....no talking....no thinking.....just stare~....that’s It....feels good, doesn’t It?

Just letting all of your worries melt away from your mind....that’s better~....now come here~

Stay for a while~ <33''

6 29

May 29th, 2020, 22:06, heavy drizzle.
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 12h33m06.88s/+82°33'49.0".

14 50

May 28th, 2020, 22:22, acid rain.
RA/Dec (J2000.0): 12h33m06.88s/+82°33'49.0".

14 62

"Identity Crisis"

Where Bruce Wayne finds out he is not Batman... or is he? A story worthy of The Twilight Zone!

'Detective Comics (1991)
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Tom Mandrake

26 113

Vinsi presto la mia prima gara battendo la formidabile Vera Buttel, diventando campionessa del miglio del Nuovo Galles del Sud in 33' 49". Poi il trasferimento a Melbourne. Mi esibivo vestita da sirena in in una grande vasca di vetro piena di pesci all'Exhibition Aquarium.

23 309

"Today is the 33rd day of the New Year of the Rat. This video called '33' records the unforgettable '33 days of the new year' when we fought against the epidemic together."
Narrator: Xiao Zhan

80 137

3児の母である さんのコミックエッセイが話題!内容の面白さ、微笑ましさもさることながら、色彩の美しさも目を引きます🦋✨やんちゃな男児達に振り回されつつも、ふいに放つことばに癒される日々を噛み締めるように描かれています。

0 4

1.46°28'50''N 30°44'33''E
2.48°51'21''N 2°21'11''E
3.8°45'27''S 158°16'30''E
4.52°23'03''N 4°54'00''E

1 7

Illustration for chapter 1 of theinkwell33's fic, Measure a Year.
AO3: https://t.co/5FEd8rZBRc

0 4

'Detective Comics (1983) - "Look to the Mountaintop"

With her father's life in danger, Barbara remembers his most inspiring lesson. A most lovely story.

Written by Doug Moench
Art by Gene Colan

4 43

This story was greatly inspired by "The Batman Wars Against the Dirigible of Doom" from 'Detective Comics (1939)

Written by Gardner Fox
Art by Bob Kane and Sheldon Moldoff

1 20

'Batman (1946) - "The Search For Santa Claus!"

Cover by Dick Sprang
Art by Win Mortimer

21 57

Save Yourself - it's and at https://t.co/fMSOo15i1p.
33% off selected Classic digital titles — use code 'BLACKFRI33'
50% off items in The Vault — use code 'VAULT50'
Sale ends 11.59 EST Dec 2nd.

11 15

Oil on canvas
cows resting on the river
Size 35’x 33'
Gladys Velez

0 2

Our friends have teamed up with for The Anti Art Fair. An AMAZING event showcasing work from over 50 diverse artists. For a discount on tickets, use the code 'TOB33' > https://t.co/ern6F68NDr

4 6

This month has been exciting & full of art news! I will be giving a tester workshop at The Anti Art Fair with over 50 artists & 30 workshops | Use 'TOB33' for discount on tickets https://t.co/KEOriySzZO


2 4