Day 28, Time got away from me, and I forgot to post this yesterday.

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25 / 01 - Katsuya Jounouchi / Joey Wheeler

Finally caught up and just in time for Jounouchi's birthday!! His hair is always fun to draw.

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24 / 01 - Hayato Maeda / Chumley Huffington

Everyone makes jokes about Misawa being forgotten, I raise you Hayato. How many people actually remember him by mid Season 2.

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23 / 01 - Daitokuji-sensei / Professor Lyman Banner and Pharaoh

The older I've gotten the hotter Daitokuji has become, but I guess that says more about me than anything 💀

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22 / 01 - Rei Saotome / Blair Flannigan

Finally into the more familiar territory, GX characters!! Starting with Rei, she really grew on me as a character.

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21 / 01 - Cyndia Crawford / Cecelia Pegasus

Sorry for the delay, with technical difficulties and being busy, I've been pretty exhausted as of late, but today I catch up!!

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Day 24, A series of mama and baby cards for mother's day. Trying for a more minimalist style.

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20 / 01 - Dark Magician Girl

Here she is! Honestly, I've been really looking forward to drawing DMG, she's so cute and her hair is fun to draw! Also her colour scheme is *chef's kiss*

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18 / 01 - High Priest of Darkness

Behind on my dailies but it's okay, I'm so close to drawing GX characters, gotta power through it!!

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Was busy yesterday,
so here is day 19 and day 20 together👥

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