Stale bread? Run some water through it and throw it in the oven and it'll be nice and fluffy ten minutes later! Mo's the best, isn't she? Do you have a Mo in your life? Tag them here!

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You know what they say, mo' money, mo' problems. What do you think is going through the piggy bank's head? Tell us in the comments section below!

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Every workplace needs a hardworking employee like Suppandi, for entertainment at least.

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Shambu has some time between his jungle adventures and would love to answer some of your questions. Ask away in the comments section below!

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Stop scrolling! See this picture and smile. Alright, now you can resume your scrolling.

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A lot of great works of art have been created in prison!

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Did u know was thefirst female writer on comic in 40YEARS? & it was for Working w w Amy wrote the best KISS Comics hands down! with 150 comics & art books & support

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