(slightly late) Happy bday to my fav 5head gay fictional man, Richie Tozier 😘 ft. stanley the manley 🔥💗

57 183

sORRY this is rushed but happy birthday 5head lover

17 98

Today is a very special day, for a very special 5head. Especially when you wake up to someone… extra special

Happy birthday Jonathan


2 55

Glad to know me my sister are 5heads together XD

1 6

Thank you, god send Mika, for giving Mysta the idea of "Ownership", absolute 5head move! (and the last min sub badge was a great move too ✌️🥸)

9 163

Probably last update in the nearest future.

I decided to draw in random order without any plan (as you can see some of them don't have any shading)

0 37

thank u for fun stream I like 5head emote

0 12

Anyone planning to draw her new outfit will have to draw her twice. What a 5head move

4 122

Actual 5Head Schlatt wtf

84 6590

5head me would've contacted zoom's customer support, and then proceed to perceive extraterrestrials and listed off as died of electrical shock for downing shots of vodka before a meeting that would either way kill me
context: a zoom based horror game

1 31

Alright, goofy idea from a friend...there's the face shape I used for the real drawing, and then there's 18 with her 90s 5head. Preference? :P

6 68