Hemiptera /hɛˈmɪptərə/ or true bugs
Be kind to the insects. They're endangered.
Johann Heinrich Sulzer, Die Kennzeichen der Insekten,
1761. UB Erlangen / Nürnberg

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William Hogarth, Le Temps enfumant un tableau ("Time smoking a picture"), Billet de souscription pour Sigsimonda.1761. Mezzotint, 228 x 183 mm. 2 états

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C'est l'histoire de quinze esclaves malgaches abandonnés sur l'île de Tromelin en 1761. Aujourd'hui, les recherches archéologiques dévoilent comment ils ont survécu pendant quinze ansen recréant une micro-société sur cette île hostile. https://t.co/CtjS3vQzQP

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Kingfisher (family Alcedinidae) for "drawn from nature" by George Edwards in 1761. Published in his "Gleanings of Natural History" (1758-1764), contributed in from : https://t.co/aCJY07YiM2

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Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz married George III of England in 1761. The pearl bracelets on her wrists were part of the king's wedding gift to her; one clasp contains his portrait miniature, the other his royal monogram: https://t.co/3l0UX4Z236

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hadrian6:The Cyclops Polyphemus, Acis and Galatea.  1761. Pompeo...

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Daily Painting 761. Kanto 167 - Porygon Redesign

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