画質 高画質

1位(RT385/Fav1311):https://t.co/mPvY5j5sHo (MonteMasa)
2位(RT198/Fav568):https://t.co/gLOHdwn8u3 (tukasa_BR)
3位(RT165/Fav484):https://t.co/td3aaNzkWv (tactical_tada)
4位(RT125/Fav492):https://t.co/GifgMLhFz5 (akashieru)

0 0

Lazy Cubs Crown Trait Alert! 🍼 Lion Cub just listed for 0.45Ξ ($787.84) https://t.co/WrxFvsOOtG

0 2

Giuseppe De Nittis (1846–1884), In the Lamplight (c 1883), oil on wood

6 19

5位(RT28/Fav84):https://t.co/td3aaNzkWv (tactical_tada)
6位(RT22/Fav67):https://t.co/kQShiwy2Dy (mf_u_c)
7位(RT31/Fav58):https://t.co/VGzTkRweEn (faraway_716_p)
8位(RT17/Fav36):https://t.co/aEr3eSmQjC (RnandemoR)

0 0

Chubbicorns 184 bought for Ξ2.49 ($4,403.84)
Avg Price: Ξ2.49
Rare Trait:
face: mustache - 1.85%


0 1

1位(RT325/Fav1190):https://t.co/wFyMqk9TPz (orca_buteo)
2位(RT192/Fav584):https://t.co/iug0wkMESQ (day_l_full)
3位(RT102/Fav359):https://t.co/YrHjldv0bk (Ray___S)
4位(RT105/Fav291):https://t.co/U9Qdap8HEo (fubupula)

0 0

5位(RT178/Fav488):https://t.co/pKzLa2znGk (fubupula)
6位(RT138/Fav484):https://t.co/lSuveOKbxu (aki0107_inica)
7位(RT139/Fav417):https://t.co/FW73sYxg8v (tactical_tada)
8位(RT131/Fav407):https://t.co/em4baKtcHy (hiehie_teasi)

0 0


37 105

🧸 BEAR BOOM 💥 KILLABEAR adopted for 0.005 KILLABEARS ($8.84)



4 10

まりやさん お誕生日おめでとうございます🎉🎂


竹内まりや - Japanese 80's POP

35 153

Born in Stockholm, into a family who valued education, he was struck down at 14y with Scarlet Fever which damaged his health for life. He studied art before going to the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts in 1881. Boys on the Beach (1884) Portraits (1880) & Sunny Day (1880)

0 11

Ohayou, dear! 0x97C7D here! Just sold 18 of my precious Doodles for Ξ65.190 ($117,422.84)! Arigatou gozaimasu! (✿◠‿◠)

0 8

Georgiana Houghton (1814–1884) was another mediumistic painter that was heavily involved in spiritualism. She claimed that she was guided to paint by the spirits of the dead.


0 1

1位(RT142/Fav423):https://t.co/06aVnq7jrM (001machi)
2位(RT131/Fav401):https://t.co/2K5Ti6HcI2 (__west)
3位(RT121/Fav356):https://t.co/BaFhPVLEim (aki0107_inica)
4位(RT97/Fav284):https://t.co/r5wWaOQ9w0 (yukikaze2828)

0 0

"Cuando se le preguntó cuál era el momento adecuado para la cena: Si eres rico, cuando quieras; y si eres pobre, siempre que puedas." (Diógenes)

En la cena (1883/84)

Edvard Munch 🎨

9 28

5位(RT121/Fav494):https://t.co/3YNC9yaXf8 (mitchel252525)
6位(RT140/Fav445):https://t.co/B6lKwoA1Mk (fubupula)
7位(RT117/Fav384):https://t.co/rjowtdlW85 (yamabiko1358)
8位(RT96/Fav400):https://t.co/8fApRiQEg3 (zarusyu)

0 0


時空レスキュー鉄火! 運命の日記とキセキの砂時計 (ポプラキミノベル 創作 84)

向井 湘吾, にかみ

時空を超えて、あの子を助ける…!!* * * *危険を察知して、鉄火たちを乗せた時空レスキュー車が飛んだのは、1944…

情報元: https://t.co/89BuQlJ3jj (Amazonページ)

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