My Thursday ‘Lee Miller in Manhattan' by Georges Lepape, 1927, cover art for Vogue magazine… & (via ) courtesy of

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An homage... Thursday 'Lee Miller in Manhattan' by Georges Lepape, 1927, cover art for Vogue magazine… & (via )

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Thanks and happy Thursday Spiros and friends
It's raining heavily here since last night
John E. Nicholls ( 1885 - 1955 ) The Street 1927, National Museum Wales

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Sir Samuel Luke Fildes KCVO RA, 1843 – 1927, English painter, Applicants for Admission to a Casual Ward

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Sir Samuel Luke Fildes KCVO RA, 1843 – 1927, English painter, The Shepherdess

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Three powerful works by Lyonel Feininger dating from 1914 to 1927, all from a private family collection of avant-garde paintings, sell for a combined £5,252,900

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in 1927, Shirley Hughes, English author and illustrator. Her illustrations always bring back the best of memories of my own childhood 🕊

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Žilinskij Dmitrij Dmitriyevich (Russian, b. 1927, Volnovka, Krasnodar Region - d. 2015, Moscow). Gymnasts of the USSR, 1964–1965. Hardboard, gesso, tempera. 270 x 215
cm. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

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J Durden(1878-1964)-born-Manchester. Studied there @ the School of Art before moving on 2 the Royal College of Art, London. Gained a silver medal @ the Paris Salon in 1927, & exhibited throughout South Africa, New Zealand & Australia, and several overseas galleries hold his work.

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« Ernst Ludwig est un peintre allemand et l'un des fondateurs de l’association Die Brücke , né le 6 mai 1880 à Aschaffenbourg, en Bavière et mort le 15 juin 1938 à Frauenkirc Un groupe d'artistes 1927, huile sur toile musée Ludwig, Cologne. »

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Long before Charles Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic in the Spirit of St. Louis in 1927, another pioneer aviator set off on a record-setting flight of his own.

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吴昌硕1844-1927,与任伯年,赵之谦,虚谷齐名为“清末海派四大家” 他把书法、篆刻艺术融入绘画,形成富有金石味的独特画风。他以篆笔写梅兰,狂草作葡萄,所作花卉木石,笔力敦厚老辣、纵横恣肆、气势雄强,构图也近书印的章法布白,虚实相生、主体突出,画面用色对比强烈

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吴昌硕1844-1927,与任伯年,赵之谦,虚谷齐名为“清末海派四大家” 他把书法、篆刻艺术融入绘画,形成富有金石味的独特画风。他以篆笔写梅兰,狂草作葡萄,所作花卉木石,笔力敦厚老辣、纵横恣肆、气势雄强,构图也近书印的章法布白,虚实相生、主体突出,画面用色对比强烈

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Louise Catherine Breslau, 1856 – 1927, German-born Swiss painter, Little girl with orange

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Louise Catherine Breslau, 1856 – 1927, German-born Swiss painter, The Reader

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Louise Catherine Breslau, 1856 – 1927, German-born Swiss painter, Sculptor Jean Carriès in his Studio

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Het Kattendiep in de regen, Vormen II, 1927, George Martens

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O vulcão Krakatoa em si não existe mais, ele colapsou na catastrófica erupção do século XIX.
Todavia, em 1927, um novo cone vulcânico emergiu de sua caldeira, o Anak Krakatoa (o 'filho de Krakatoa', em indonésio). E é o ANAK KRAKATOA que entrou em erupção ontem (sexta, 10/03).

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Father And Son In Skagen - Michael Peter Ancher (1849 – 1927, Danish).

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