1位(RT669/Fav2994):https://t.co/SgSL0NMPwu (suidengetsu)
2位(RT277/Fav1012):https://t.co/qRjGML37wp (shio_mugi1107)
3位(RT264/Fav959):https://t.co/XBzOXqczsn (yuki_taira_)
4位(RT150/Fav587):https://t.co/FZaQPTbJIV (siroimakeinu831)

0 0

🔥 Top Volume Growth (24 hours)

1️⃣ Ukiyo-e Landscape by Warwick
+11K% ┃ 107 ETH

2️⃣ The Field by Beervangeer
+3,027% ┃ 235 ETH

3️⃣ Squishiverse ()
+1,959% ┃ 35 ETH

4️⃣ MekaVerse ()
+1,500% ┃ 52 ETH

1 3

This Cutie's Sibling for

Pinecone brings out the color from his little white fur while blood compliments his nature

Axie ID:

9 20

This Cutie for

Don't judge the book by it's cover, what seems adorable and sweet may just be your next nightmare

Blood n Pinecone fit well together with his mood and color palette

Axie ID:

5 18

Natsumi for

A dazzling beauty with a cool vibe, red-pink-green what is there to miss?

Axie ID:

8 20

Kaitou for

A dashing midnight axie that is gentle as a snowflake but is also as calm as the sounds of the sea

Axie ID:

5 18

0x3dC96 swept 28 Lil Pudgys for Ξ17.237 ($20,959.60)

2 19

i got the skeb back from おてんsan (@/if959u) my adorable bbys!!!🥰💕💕

4 23

Skeb of me and my fellow BIRB
Dont we look so photogenic?


9 62

0xDcEF0 swept 2 Mutant Ape Yacht Club for Ξ31.959 ($38,889.70)

2 5


『1日1絵 気軽にお絵描き・落書き』


妖怪百姫たん 乳鉢坊

1 5




5 21


很榮幸邀請@/Eggggg959D 老師為我們繪製一週年燈箱主視覺圖✨

☆ Picture of the key visual ☆

We're honored to have our artist @/Eggggg959D to draw the key visual for us✨

2 11