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0xD1ea7 bought 5 Bored Ape Kennel Club for Ξ29.950 ($55,895.39)

1 7

Yozawa-ApeStake sold 5 Mutant Ape Yacht Club for Ξ64.050 ($119,306.58)

1 2

Who wants this Laser Eyes Defi Ape?

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✅ drop $ens
✅ Let me know why you should get an Ape in the comments


187 266

i fuck with my ape

0 23

The have been delivered. Thank you

Who’s next to enter the Defi Ape community?

67 221

I was just airdropped this .8 ETH NFT for owning land in the Bored Ape Yacht Club metaverse

My first airdrop from Yuga Labs
very cool

2 247

I love my ape

6 103

I love my ape 👑🐵❤️

10 30