Something that I started a while ago (before the end of season 8), but decided to finish for fun :). Arya Stark.

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Sansa Bark & Arya Bark 🐾

(me desculpem pelo trocadilho ruim))

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Our girl Arya 💃If there's one thing I actually liked from the last season of GoT, it was how the women were more than just in the sidelines (granted some of them deserved better *intense side eye*)

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O casal livre de Braavos! Arthur, o mestre dançarino da água e Dani, a mulher sem face. | The free couple of Braavos! Arthur, the Master Water Dancer, and Dani, the Faceless Woman.

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More Arya and The Hound ❤️

I miss them 😭

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I've working on some digital portraits the past couple weeks; these are the results so far. Yes, that is from
Made with

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