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Aima from my novel Horror Vacui, I started to post it (again) on Wattpad (in Spanish atm)! I've been like 15 years wanting to paint this scene but I couldn't until... now?😅

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I'm not moot, but anyway here some pics from kimetsu no aima:( <3
Hoping u feel better ily :(((<3

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All daughters of the god of dead (from my fiction world), drawn in mobian form cause I ain't drawing humans.
Safire, Aima, Psychii and Sipho.

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-sigh- might as well... Hi

I'm Aima. Storyboards, Character Designs, Illustrations, and Comics.

also memes and mental health advocacy

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tr4pd00r also colored Aima's hypno tats animation

244 2013

Hmmmnnnnnnn sure why not

I'm Aima and I draw OCs +rare fanart.

My range goes from detailed to stupid at a breakneck speed, and sometimes i even post art

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Gaiden reprend avec cette fois-ci Kyujiro Rengoku sur le devant de la scène !
Le dessinateur est le même que pour les chapitres de Giyuu c'est à dire Hirano Ryouji (@/beshinobesi) qui a travaillé sur Kimetsu No Aima un spin-off humoristique et Fate/type Redline

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i made a few more of my childisch drawings.
Aima from
Jenny from

Irina from DamaBlanca

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Werewolf guy, his human cousin and cat demon work together during the night shift in a 24/7 convenience store

Aima, Alabaster and Garrett

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If you have read my fic 'wildest dreams' and are up to date, you will know Kuroo and Tsukki have triplets together. Mikado, Archer and Aima! And I reeeeeeally want to see all 3 of them in this hoodie.... 😭😭😭 like imagine these 3 little dumplings in it!! 😭😭😭

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Le saviez-vous ?

Chen fut le 1er pandaren à quitter sa terre natale, l'Île Vagabonde, depuis des âges.

Quand sa nièce Li Li naquit, Chen l'aima tout de suite.

Les lettres régulières qu'il lui envoyait sont à l'origine du désir d'exploration qui animera Li Li toute sa vie.

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Hey ! my name's Beth! (or Aima) I'm currently freelance, specializing in Illustration, Character Design, and Creature Design! (Traditional and Digital)

✉️ Email:
📷 Instagram:

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Kimetsu so Aima is just so fun to read. Ryoji Hirano surely did an amazing job with these chibis. Saved some screenshots myself. Ehehehe.

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sketching a mascot, Aima-chan, for 's automapper programming side project.

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im so scared of kimetsu no aima

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     【 秘🍑蜜 】


✞ momo_AIMA × 闇猫シュシュ ✞


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read kimetsu no aima for giyuu getting attacked because he got the center position for the op and him trying to save himself

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