The Highlord loves all💞

I’ll write what would you understand who is where :D


3 7

Lil' trace of Alarak from Sc2!

0 0

【alarak/artanis】 [DAILY WORK]After the recovery of Aiur in the face of the accumulation of various work reports and conference speeches, Artanis realized that the shrivel Hybrid was not a problem at all. 🤪我的梯子终于又好了!丢完去看球了!!

5 34

wow i really suck at alarak

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顺便P2是足球梗!画的时候脑补了他收复艾尔之后在地上滑跪,双手食指指天高呼【En Taro Tassadar】的样子!所以就顺便画了画🤪感觉自己比第一张画的时候进步不少2333

5 27

【A cordial and friendly conversation.】
“Today I want to have some guava juice.“
“I will buy(rob) it for you if you come home with me this weekend.”
Actually the couple is just discussing where they want to spend their weekends.🤣😇😇

1 22

I had expected so much ……what]终于把这个AU画完了!超喜欢毛茸茸2333
DOG! Protoss !P1 is DOG!alarak/artanis !P23 is DOG! Tassadar &DOG! Zeratul &DOG! Fenix 🤩

3 25

[Picture some little hairy]About dog!protoss🤪
Artanis: That’s… What did Raynor say, a dog?
Dog!Artanis: ????

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2 23

Made another pin with my friend老赵师傅's great help, and also inspried by Blizcon pin :).Because it is really hard to colour, so finally decide to try embossing technique and made a non-color one😀.#Taldarim

5 12

[🍬] 'in 'in RTlediği fanartını kendisinden izin alarak sizler için çevirdik. Okurken cidden rahatlıyorsunuz. Gerçekten çok yetenekli biri kendisi TT_TT💜

Thank you! 💜💜💜💜

*Sağdan sola doğru okumanız gerekiyor~

164 1316

Maria(Symphogear) X Alarak(Starcraft2)

16 39

Daww. Alarak loves us. 😍

0 3

first up is 's human Alarak who's design is so handsome it should be a CRIME

3 10

Alarak Dark Nexus Death FX: We do a lot more than just abilities. Here's an example of how we work with animation to create an fun thematic death sequence. Animation by , Model/Texture by Wanmin Gee.

20 61

[A small gift for everyone🎁]

Print Highlord down and make a card!
Download link:

💝Share to your friends
❌Not for sale

🎄Merry Christmas!🎄

15 61