Some people truly don't know why needs saying, so I tend to explain it once, and man I mean ONCE:

is about selfishness. It looks in the face of suffering and says BUT WHAT ABOUT ME? If they were serious they'd be MORE outraged at injustice 3/

45 407

I don’t have an art yet this but here’s my rainbow re-designed cereal 💕✨

0 8

Sacramento DA just announced that the two police officers who shot and killed 22 year old Stephon Clark for holding a cell phone they mistook for a gun will not face criminal charges. But right?

34 59

For many Trump voters
..except for the lives of young men of color, immigrants, Muslims, refugees...

77 86

Hey I have a piece of artwork I want 2 give u keep doing your thing

0 0

Its not us vs them, we need to unite & it's not one over the other! We need 💖💖

16 59

This is uncalled for. This isn't protesting, this is rioting.

289 294