they're also from warring factions (alliance, horde) as well as warring races so i love it even more now...
i know nobody is going to respond but what do u think? potential gfs?

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It was a long and beautiful journey. I'm so glad Utophia has been a part of it. Thank you so much everyone, Utophia community, ENAlliance, Green Lattice, UFP... all of you! We did something absolutely magical, together ❤️

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ARC III SNEAK PEEK 4: Miyoi’s siblings are back together. Mimi’s being Mimi, and Kyochi has to make sure she doesn’t break anything. Mio on the other hand, isn’t used of Miyoi fighting in the Celestial Alliance, which is troubling her.

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“Adventurema’am” and Crossdraw Kid’s dalliance, delays their dealings with present apparitions propagating. Writer Matt Fraction, Penciler-Colorist Terry Dodson, Inker Rachel Dodson: A wild flashback, wonderful family interactions and uncomfortable dating. 4.5/5

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From the picture above? MK4, for sure! Overall, between MK11/MKX Sonya, Deadly Alliance, and MKvsDC.

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I’ve got a ton of Mega Man-inspired robot ocs. The two up front are my main protagonists OracleMan and WispWoman, a psychic robot and ghost robot. The robots surrounding them are the Black Plague Alliance, an evil team of robots with varying powers. Except for the old gut

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A young woman who became a special operation agent of the Fire alliance, of which she is co-founder and original member of the Fire Nation.

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Douglas White, Puncture
In a fever dream of material alliance, burnt basketball met with the fibrous stump of a fern. Sounds by Diagonal

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Character cooperation and relationships are at the heart of Roar of Alliance, as this illustration from the Character section shows.

Between engagements, characters have scenes to blow off stress, develop relationships, and build up valuable resources for the next combat.

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The Artist Alliance, , , and myself as soft version of the group

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The Art Alliance with me, , and , now has a hashtag which is I glad to met many people here, you are all really nice and seem to really like this group, thanks you very much and also follow Art and ReeBee because they are amazing people

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feeling nostalgic about black blood alliance, blood spill was always my favorite

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they have crazy support in their advisory board :

➡️with the president of blockchain alliance, ,

➡️MoMa art director

➡️venture studio patron and

➡️ key investor along with

➡️ chairman of animoca brands...


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Introducing the new group, The Artist Alliance, with , , and me, the art trio working together to uhh draw stuff

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Since I had already helped on creature designs, for the game Betrayed Alliance, I asked him if I could also help on backgrounds. He than ask me if I could remake one background of the book 1, as it was already plan. For a first shot, it look conclusive.

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Hey workweek crowd: you can now acquire the early access version of Roar of Alliance, my tabletop game of WW2 tank action!

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