SUPERTRAMP『Even In The Quietest Moments...』
原題を直訳すると”静寂の時でさえ”といった感じらしいが、邦題”蒼い序曲”もセンスがいい。"Breakfast In America"で大ブレイクする前夜、77年の本作はモダンProgreで大好き。少しのポップ感覚とゴージャスな演奏。ドラマチック仕立ては英国王道だった。

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SUPERTRAMP『Crime Of The Century』
74年のこの3rdから75年”危機への招待”、77年”蒼い序曲”までの彼らは最高だった。79年"Breakfast In America"が大ヒットした時は嬉しかったけど、こっそり聴いてた自分だけの宝物がみんなに知られちゃったって感じで寂しくなった。グラムPopからProgre Pop まで→

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MCU制覇チャレンジ6日目。"Captain America"→"Guardians of the Galaxy"の落差たるや。シリーズ追う毎にStevenが背負う哀しみが増して、もういっそ彼を殺してあげてほしいとサイコな考えになる。多分一番好きなキャラ。

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It's always a good day to punch a Nazi!

2014 "Captain America" or "The Captain is Ready to See You Now" piece by artist Dave Bardin ()!


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Oct 26, 2014. By: ShinySamurott26
[2 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)

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Got depressed and touched up my Cap
Also gave him a "proto-suit" for before he gets the "Captain America" title

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New artwork for sale! - "welcome to America" -

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"Old America" 🍽️
Here's my entry for 💛

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jaemin to soohyun:

"did you like it when daon told you not to go?"
"daon listen to everything i say"
"it's gift for you to work hard in america"
"did you misunderstand something?"

jaemin to seonghyun:

you're next target

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Voltaire's Ghost: I'd defend their right to say whatever they want and you should to.

Me after looking at fascists like Charlie Kirk openly call for armed white mobs to fan out and "protect white demographics in America":

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Historic species descriptions otter have DOIs! Audubon's "Quadrupeds of North America" 1851-1854. Check.
Canada Otter, Lutra canadensis:
Sea Otter, Enhydra marina:
(digitised for by )

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New artwork for sale! - "welcome to America" -

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So like Jude for example, who's like half incubus (mom's a succubus) and half belial (his dad) basically lives in the "United Hell of America"

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Everything's going to be ok! I found a species called a "Med Squirrel" in the Index of Audubon's "The quadrupeds of North America", but the actual description calls it a "Red-Souirrel" [sic].

Via cc

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One big shout out goes to and , the artists behind the postcards and the posters in both my "Furries of Kingdom Hearts" and "Furries of Latin America" meet and greet! Go give them a follow and commission them and thank you for the artwork!

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The right one is the "improved" version after about half a year at CalArts This person is also very much known for drawing extremely sexualized versions of "trans Captain America" along with thinking their art is top tier compared to everyone else.

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Bob Russo. Bob took up the mantle of Captain America in "Captain America & The Falcon". Although, the official debut title is "Captain America"

Bob stepped into the role when Steve gave up the mantle. During his first run as Cap he misjudged a jump and broke his arm. (lol)

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ベン・スティラー製作、Adam Rehmeier監督、カイル・ガルナー、Emily Skeggs、リー・トンプソン、メアリー・リン・ライスカブ、パット・ヒーリー、ハンナ・マークスら共演「ディナー・イン・アメリカ」("Dinner In America",2020年)の予告編が公開されたようだ (映画ナタリー)

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Aaaah, so close!

I'm Antie from Argentina, specifically Buenos Aires, former "Paris of South America".

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