na minha cabeça a amity tem sardas pelo corpo td e tem esse estilo

34 76

I love amity 🥰🥰🥰also could someone explain why the owl house stopped halfway? Also new artstyle that ima stick witch for a while

25 148

i rlly love actual amity but! i kinda miss this badass gayass,.,.,

5 30

I was expecting this episode for so long!!!! and this amazing animación muaaaaaa!!, 😍😍😍

10 83

- I came up with this thanks to the promo art, I love the pararelles between Amity and Hunter.

- La mano de Hunter fue re difícil, y no me quedó del todo bien, pero estoy conforme 💃

0 17

Yall don’t understand how much I screamed when I watched this episode I’m 💜✨💜✨💜✨

3 45

Ну во первых, я ещё не забросила Лумити) Это ещё не готовый покрас но все же, думаю моим трём с половиной читателям будет интересно посмотреть🤧🤧🤧

1 26