DBZ seems to kinda flood the market for Animayhem cards, but there is a lot of variety if you dig deep!

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Space Battleship Yamato (1974-75) - finally watched the ur-text, its DNA is everywhere (Macross/Robotech, Evangelion, maybe Star Wars). Glorious, epic space opera as the Yamato and its crew travel across the universe to save Earth and defeat evil space fascists. [Thread] https://t.co/ugEM7vOUzg

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instead of doing animay yesterday I watched all of mob psycho season 1

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Shining Graphite#21
Tema: Spokon
Alcuni disegni dei partecipanti: lonelyone, Erendal, Lacchan e Huine!

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Algunos de los personajes que salieron del taller de Diseño de personajes en

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Takeshi Koike’s REDLINE. So many of my favourite folk recommended this one to me for so I’m really excited to check it out. Koike’s art style is so unique & supposedly this film is a brain-meltingly slick & stylised extravaganza!!!

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1⃣2⃣ CUTIE HONEY FLASH (1997) / キューティーハニー フラッシュ: Of all the CUTIE HONEY media I've seen, FLASH is certainly one of my favorite incarnations. It does a spectacular job of joining Gō Nagai-isms and traditional mahō-shōjo tropes, and the art is eye-catching.

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couldn’t be arsed to come on here yesterday so here’s a two-fer: Shampoo and Madoka

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Watched Tailenders (2009) jumping on with this little gem that's in the tradition of great racing anime ie Speed Racer but is balls out crazy like a mix between Dead Leaves and Redline. Great animation great character designs the only problem is it's too short at 27 min👍

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Last May I set out to watch as much anime as I could. I lovingly named this season ‘Anime May’ or as some were calling it 😅 This year I want to do the same but as well as feature films I also want to check out series as they are mostly a blind spot for me. Who’s with me?

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