Lenisha Leniba Léo Ovana
Militaire Shaman Pharaon Galaxie

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Giuseppe Faraone.🌿🌹🖌

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Buongiorno a tutti🌞🌈 auguro di cuore ♥️ un sereno e dolce mercoledì 😽🌾🦋

🎨🖌️ Giuseppe Faraone
🖼️ Spiaggia, olio su tavola

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Survived todays heat, mooching around legoland! Smoothered in suncream, Splashing in the splash area, got soaked on the log flume and downed so much water! Was a very fun day! Hope you all had a lovely day and kept hydrated! 🥰🥰

Art by @/araonthetrain

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Here is appearance of creatures & objects of pharaonic edition from collage vol. 3

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Here is appearance of creatures & objects of pharaonic edition from collage vol. 3

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Here is appearance of creatures & objects of pharaonic edition from collage vol. 3

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How is everyone today? 😘

Art by @/araonthetrain

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J’ai suivit Yugioh de A à Z, j’ai acheté tous les mangas, j’ai été bluffée par l’inventivité des jeux de la 1ère partie (que trop n’ont pas connus parce qu’elle n’a pas été diffusée ici) par la saga des cartes et la quête de memoire du pharaon. Merci Kazuki Takahashi et Rip 🤍

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Il mare non cambia mai e il suo operare, per quanto ne parlino gli uomini, è avvolto nel mistero. Joseph Conrad


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Good night my beautiful Knuckle heads! Hope you had a wonderful day, sleep tight my loves 🥰🥰

Art by @/araonthetrain

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Olio su tela cm 100x100 Giuseppe Faraone Art

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Olio su tela cm 40x50 Giuseppe Faraone Art

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Come se il mare separandosi
svelasse un altro mare,
questo, un altro ed i tre
solo il presagio fossero
d'un infinito di mari
non visitati da riva
il mare stesso al mare
fosse riva
Questo è l'eternità

Emily Dickinson

Giuseppe Faraone

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Avec son nouveau film Michel Ocelot fait ce qu'il sait faire de mieux: il fait rêver, voyager, tomber amoureux.

On y retrouve tout ce qui a fait triompher son cinéma: ses jolis contes, son sens du rythme et ses graphismes singuliers

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T10T is a collection, inspired by the historic Pharaonic tombs and deities of Ancient Egypt cast into the distant technological future.

📝Event Details:

📅18 June at 12:00 am (UTC)

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Good night my loves 🥰
Hope you had a great day!
Sleep well 😘

Art by @/araonthetrain

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Pour la première fois en France, Yugi et le Pharaon arrivent dans une version VOSTFR officielle de Yu-Gi-Oh! sur . 🔥

Plus que jamais, c'est l'heure du duel ! https://t.co/TlSxTRnOsJ

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[.]E io ti ho amato, Oceano,
e la gioia dei miei svaghi giovanili,
era di farmi trasportare dalle onde
come la tua schiuma;
fin da ragazzo mi sbizzarrivo con i tuoi flutti,
una vera delizia per me.[.]
George Byron


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