I'm a bit late but whatever... is this still relevant

2 5

"Local porn artist shills for fastfood joint."

3 26

I have been out of the funk for several days and this arby's waifu looks like a good way to hop back into drawing

1 4

Spent half the day working on saucy waifu. 😚

5 20

>tfw not even 4 days old and half of twitter hates you

5 49

Guess im joining the Arby's drawing thing. This was fun

0 4

You know what? I didn't account for the fact that probably won't see this pic due to the types of drawings they've received over the past 3 days. You gotta strike the same day, same hour before it's too late. Please accept this anyway 😔

25 165

Did a take on the cause she is so petit and cute :D

0 4