“…Her thin, weak body is hidden behind powerful paws and sticky cobwebs…”

This is the story of a strong mother spider who suppresses you, who chooses for you. She loves you, she lives in you, but she doesn't give you freedom

1 1


“Our wounds will heal and sorrows will be turned into joy”

Reserve 0,08 eth

0 0

How can you describe your love for yourself?
How could you do while you're feeling down?

If nobody knows,
just hug yourself tightly and say...
"You are my dearest."

Reserve price 0.45 $ETH


0 2

Blood rush
A flow of life feels like a river running through your veins

0 4

The Triad

Action, movement leads to joint work. Only in movement can we see the coherent organization of the triad. The world is unstable, but we are also constantly changing. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis; repeat

1 7