Masking is involuntary for me. I don't control when the mask goes on or comes off. When I'm home the masks comes off. If I'm out of my home the mask comes on. This is why I stay home so much. It's the only place I can truly relax.

15 76

Korra loves to talk, so I always talk back to him. With my partner away at work for 10+ hours each weekday it's nice to have someone there to chat with.

8 61

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 24, 2019

The last couple of years have definitely increased my number of grey hairs. My dream nears ever closer.

10 54

Happy Pride Month!

Before I realized I was non-binary I was always confused about my gender, but I never had the language to explain it. It was really frustrating. Now I can explain it. Now I can just be me without all the confusion.

22 76

I always wondered why I had such bad spatial awareness, and always ended up bumping into things. Turns out it was dyspraxia. Honestly, so much of my life made more sense after figuring that out.

22 112

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 21, 2019

It's so infuriating when I'm getting ready to bake or cook and I'm missing ONE ingredient. Just one! I don't want to have to run to the store for one thing!!!

3 45

After 36 years living amongst neurotypicals I have learned that their social rules are constantly fluctuating depending on the situation, context, relationship, phase of the moon. Okay, that last one may be a joke.


66 216

Flashback Friday: Originally posted April, 21, 2019

I enjoy socializing with friends, but I can't do it for long. Thankfully my partner understands when we have to leave early.

6 50

When there's discussion about school bullying it's always about students bullying students. Rarely do I see discussion about the teachers being the bully. Some of my worst bullies were my teachers.

34 173

While good communication is integral in any relationship, learning to communicate with my neurotypical partner felt like having to learn a new language. Our relationship had a few bumps before we realized that our communication styles were completely different

15 63

Flashback Friday: Originally posted April 17, 2019

I'm terrible at physical and verbal affection. I show affection through doing favours and gifting homemade food. It's important to find people who are willing to learn your love language.

6 44

There's a theory that children who were accused of being changelings that were swapped out by faeries were actually just autistic children. I find this bizarre since neurotypicals act more like fae folk than we do.

18 86

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 17, 2019

My partner can say something to me and I'll forget it immediately because my brain decided that paying attention is passé.

10 45

Neurosplainers: neurotypicals who claim they know more about autism because they have an autistic child, or autistic clients, or took a class about autism one time.

They behave like this with other neurodivergent individuals as well.

24 90

Flashback Friday: Originally posted July 14th, 2019

When I made this comic I had zero idea what dyspraxia, let alone that I had it. It's so nice to have an answer to my clumsiness now.

8 54

Measles and mumps were eradicated in many countries, but are now making a comeback. Thanks anti-vaxxers! To prevent your child from getting something that's highly genetic, and not a threat to your child's health, you've made this happen! Congrats...

14 48

With more children getting diagnosed as autistic there's more and more parents realizing that they're also autistic. It's a beautiful thing.

18 84

Masking isn't a manipulation tactic, it's a shield, and one that I hope I can put down for good some day.

37 96

Flashback Friday: Originally posted April 28th, 2019

Emotional Exhaustion is exhausting. Things such a talking, or even being in the presence of someone else is too much.

9 50

I feel that imposter syndrome within the autistic community is so common. We're constantly told "you don't look autistic" that sometimes we believe it. It's ok though. You're not alone in feeling this. Don't listen to those doubts! Embrace your autistic self!

24 88