Rubby Confirmed Character Item is Bok Choy! (chinese cabbage)🐺🥬✨

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[Day 26-ボクミン Remote Control🎮] Bok's counterattack. I want that rotten meat plush! ○クミンネタは被りそうだったのでUFOがキャッチするアレ。

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From one of my all time favorite kdramas, Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo 💗

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[Day 10-Killed by Skylight☀️] Bok killing week is arrived. Save Bok and save the world. 生まれ変わっても立派なボクに…あれ?

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And finally, Grem-Bok (Auri-Ri's adoptive father after her family is killed) and Morvyn, my Oblivion player-character (they're completely unrelated to the rest of these guys, but I didn't know where else I'd include them)

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Day 6: Bok Choy
I wanted a few plants that weren't just flowers or trees, so how about a vegetable? Plus, I liked how Bok Choy looked, so here we are

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[Day 4-Lost❔] Every Bok was a human! 元は人間だったボク。

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[Day 2-Alert❕] Actually Bok's design is the most difficult one in the whole series. ボクの造形がシンプルそうで難解なのでネタに走る。

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Second lead in for BoK4, for the floof comic section. :) 2555

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I used nonsense text to get these, and I think "octane render" was in there too.
"a splornfeld enborkenmeyer forkeling the gnorkgnork under a fumfum tree while the pippies peep, artists hannes bok and doctor seuss"

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Hannes Bok, cover art and preliminary for Weird Tales, 1941

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Bok Choy Division!

Collab with . She's lost control again!

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details! bok bok bok!

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Minting tomorrow ay 10:30 am PST! It's BOK CHOY DIVISION! Collab with !! A weird one not to be missed!!

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Full reveal of carnie! BOK CHOY DIVISION! and bok Choy are the mutations on this wench. One set of eyes are Ian Curtis’. “She’s lost control again 🎵.” Minting tomorrow morning around 10 am PST!

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